Kingdoms and People

The Knowing Races

World Map

The Kingdoms and Countries of Mynochral, in the Fourth Age

Tanzenel - One of the countries on the eastern end of the Surrounded Sea and a peninsula that separates that body from the greater waters of The Sun Sea, the ocean that stretches from her shores to the horizon that welcomes each new morning.

Many stories start or end in Southport, the last major trading city before one moves southward into the neighboring country of Neztenec. A powerful hub of commerce and trade, it is also notorious for the makeshift homes and buildings that sit outside it's south-eastern wall, the neighborhood known locally as The Flotsam Slums.

Neztenec -

Orligalt -

Lashal-Kan -

Tae-al -

Seerif -

Modvoron -

Cur'un -

Luvallas -

Telgarill -

Hrondul -

Fa'ta'el -

Grummedon -

Orumdall -

Teundall -

Sevodox -

Shaldarca -

Wendrumil -

Abstanfil -

Zeeulf -

Dunnemon -

Queddsef -

Sylphonra -

Cormonin -

Sheseel -

Thunkott -

Mezzoron -

Jatfarru -

Sevtlen -

Nulvenan -

Sael'tara -

Porvshen -

Keulbish -

Meddinish -

Beosul -

Whitstom -

Shilmnon -

Ikrurael -

Uritamet -

Senvarc -

Shil'ta'vel -

Idrilisk -

Eal'em -

Gengrenam -

Aesteloff -

Mottinemet -

Xalnium -

Thundruggin -