For those of you that are interested...
While everything produced and posted on this website is Copyrighted by the Author, unless it is specifically called out as not being original, you might be curious as to how it was generated (aside from me pointing at a spot on my scalp and saying "it comes from right about there").
Maps -
The general landmasses started out with ProFantasy's Fractal Terrains. I love tinkering with that app, just to see what it kicks out.
Once a basic landmass is generated, I move to (logically) Campaign Cartographer, also by ProFantasy. Love the tools. Love the various themes. Love how I can get so far into the weeds that I forget which icon came from where or "how the heck did I get that to appear this way?"...
Images -
All mine. Photos taken (some edited. Some edited HEAVILY) over the years...or snapped more recently to serve a specific purpose for this site. If I ever do use a photo or artwork from another source, I will very clearly call it out as such. That said, I doubt I ever would. And, before anyone asks, I have NO plans to ever use AI for content of any kind.
Game mechanics -
AD&D 2E. There. I said it. To me, this is the pinnacle of the system's evolution. That said...I modified the hell out of it, too. It may be the original/expanded skeleton, but the nasty, scaly, putridly green skin that hangs upon the taught and waiting muscles is customized in so many ways that I'd have to spend weeks formatting documents to share on the website...if I chose to.
Which I don't.
But...I do DM on Roll20 from time to time...
Writing -
All me. My mind, my perspective, my devious little details. Feel free to comment on any/all of them, but remember that I started writing for myself...and I'm fine to go back to doing just that!